Over 10,000 expertly curated artwork across 150+ collections, affordably priced to fit your every need.

We work and collaborate with hundreds of independent artists around the world to ensure you bring home nothing but exquisite, quality prints.

Every order is custom-made just for you, ensuring minimal paper waste and maximal sustainability, unlike other stores that stockpile, leading to potential damage.

View 150+ Art Collections

Every sale pays an artist

Our shared mission is to craft stunning art prints that not only beautify walls but stand the test of time. We ensure every artist receives royalties, because their creativity is the heartbeat of our concept.


We live and breath design

Born in 2022, our team is a vibrant mix of art aficionados and interior designers with rich backgrounds in contemporary and minimalist design.

At Luxuriance Designs, we promise you fresh-off-the-press artwork, each time, every time.

About Us
  • Free Shipping to US & CA Over $149

    Fast 5-7 business days shipping worldwide on most orders. FREE shipping to US & CA for orders over $149.

    Shipping Policy 
  • Premium Quality

    Every canvas art and furniture is handmade with the highest quality materials and craftsmanship.

  • 30-Day Guarantee

    We stand behind our quality. Got issues? Contact us.

    Our Guarantee 
  • We're Here To Help

    We want to make your experience amazing! Our team is ready to help.

    Customer Support